Monday, August 3, 2009

Smiths and Albertson's

So today I wanted to take advantage of Smith's doubles. I might even go back. I wasn't sure how it was all going to work so I only got the tide. I also stopped at Albertson's and saved about 87%. I love days like today. I only saved about 60% at Smiths.

Trans #1

8 Wishbone dressings @ $1.67 ea $13.36

9 Knorr Rice dinners @ $1.00 ea $9.00

2 Fruit Snacks @ $2.00 ea $4.00

3 boxes of cereal @ $2.00 ea $12.00

Total before coupons $38.36

Minus coupons ($6.00) Wishbone coupons $.75/1

($6.00) Knorr rice coupons $.75/1

($1.00) Cheerios $1/3

($0.50) Fruit snacks $.50/2

($2.00) Doubles


But get a $15 catalina to roll on your next transaction

The closer you come to $30 the better the deal

Trans #2

16 Ben & Jerry's ice cream (SMALL ones) @ $1 ea $16.00

3 ALL liquid detergent @ $3.50 ea $10.50

3 cheerios @ $2.00 ea $6.00

1 gallon of Winder milk $3.29

1/2 gallon of chocolate milk $2.99

Total before coupons $38.78

Minus coupons ($8.00) B&J's $1/2

($3.00) ALL $1/1

You could do this one better by coming closer to $30 ($0.75) Milk .75/1

the closer you are the better the deal it is. ($2.99) Free chocolate milk with purchase of white milk

($1.00) Cheerios $1/3

($2.00) Doubles


($15.00) Catalina from previous transaction


Transaction #3

4 Fruit Snacks @ $2.00 ea $8.00

3 ALL detergent @ $3.50 ea $10.50

8 cheerios @ $2.00 $16.00

suave deoderant $1.67

Total before coupons $36.17

Minus coupons ($0.75) .75/1 suave deoderant

($1.00) .50/2 fruit snacks

($3.00) $1/3 cheerios

($3.00) ALL

You could do this one better by coming closer to $30 ($2.00) doubles

the closer you are the better the deal it is. $26.42

($15.00) catalina from last transaction


Trans #4

4 Cheerios Snacks @ 1=$1.67 $6.68

1 Chex mix @ $1.67 $1.67

8 chex mix bars @ $2.50 ea $20.00

1 suave deoderant $1.67

Total before coupons $30.02

Minus coupons ($0.75) suave .75/1

($6.00) .75/1 chex mix bars

($2.00) .50/1 cheerios snacks


($15.00) catalina from last transaction


Transaction #5

4 ALL detergent @ $3.50 $14.00

4 Skippy peanut butter @ $2 $8.00

3 Ragu @ $1.67 $5.01

2 suave deoderants @ $1.67 $3.34

Total before coupons $30.35

Minus coupons ($0.60) Ragu .30/1

($1.50) Peanut butter .75/2

($4.00) ALL

($1.50) suave .75/1

($2.00) doubles


($15.00) catalina from last transaction


Total Out of Pocket $52.34 but saved $250 about 87%.

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